
Fogazo Customer Testimonials

Over the years we have had the pleasure and honor to work with thousands of folks from all over the world, and help them to achieve their dream of owning a wood fired oven, barbecue, fireplace, in most cases as a part of a complete outdoor kitchen project.

We have ovens, barbecues and fireplaces installed in the following counrties:

Argentina • Australia • Brazil • Canada • Chile • England • France

Ireland • Japan • New Zealand • Puerto Rico • Philippines • Singapore


We feel fortunate that we work with products that can bring so many families closer together to enjoy family gatherings, great food, and so much fun.

Below are but a few testimonials we would like to share with you. They are unedited and come from some of these customers whom we would like to thank for their kind words, and occasional constructive criticism.

Thank you, from all of us here at Fogazzo!

We like to thank Sergio and his staff for their help and seemingly endless knowledge and patience in answering our countless questions and concerns. Sergio’s vast knowledge put us well at ease that “we could do this”. We are now happy to own, share, and enjoy our Model 850 wood fired oven and, Model 515 churrasco bbq.

The now dozens of parties, and events have truly enriched our lives, albeit occasionally caused a bit of bulging around the beltline as well.

For that and the many fond memories to come, thank you Fogazzo, we could have done it without you, but we are glad “we did it with you”!

Gustavo and Cecilia Bonini
Los Angeles CA


Hello, Mr. Sergio,

We recently purchased Model 850 pizza oven from you.  We had it installed and we have had home-made pizza a couple times.  We are so enjoying it as well as our friends and family.

 Thank you so much for all of your advice and knowledge.  My neighbors want a pizza oven, now, too.  I am going to refer them to you.

Thanks again and hope you enjoy the pictures.  We love our new Italian home away from home.


Ron Tarquin

We are going though the hundreds of emails, letters, and, photos we received from customers so that we can add more testimonials.

Model 855 Base and top 6
Model 855 Base and top 6
Model 855 Base and top enclosure flat roof render 1

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